90 6933 6933


Pharmacy plays a crucial role in the healthcare system and is an integral part of any hospital. A hospital pharmacy provides patients with access to life-saving medications, vaccines, and other health products. At Deepa Hospital, our pharmacy is staffed by knowledgeable and highly trained pharmacists who are dedicated to providing quality care to all of our patients.
Our pharmacy is equipped with medicines that are rare to find as well as imported medicines to ensure our patients do not have to hunt for medicines elsewhere. We understand the importance of accuracy and speed in the dispensing process and strive to provide our patients with their medications in a timely manner. Our pharmacists are also trained to handle any questions or concerns our patients may have about their medications, including drug interactions and side effects.

Patient Safety

One of the best features of our pharmacy is our commitment to patient safety. We understand that medication errors can have serious consequences, and we work tirelessly to prevent them. Our pharmacists are trained to review every prescription and check for potential interactions or contraindications before dispensing any medication. This helps to ensure that our patients receive the appropriate medication at the appropriate dose and at the appropriate time.

Clinical Services:

In addition to dispensing medications, our pharmacy also provides a variety of clinical services to support the overall health and well-being of our patients. This includes medication therapy management, where our pharmacists work closely with patients and their healthcare providers to optimise medication regimens and minimise potential adverse effects. We also offer immunizations, including flu shots and pneumonia vaccines, to help keep our patients protected from illness.

Patient Education:

At Deepa Hospital, we believe in the importance of patient education. Our pharmacists take the time to explain the purpose and proper use of each medication to ensure that our patients are fully informed about their treatments. We also offer resources and support to help our patients manage their health and maintain the best possible quality of life.
The pharmacy at Deepa Hospital is dedicated to providing the highest quality care to all of our patients. Our knowledgeable and highly trained pharmacists work closely with patients, healthcare providers, and families to ensure that everyone receives the care and support they need. Whether you are in need of medication, vaccines, or clinical services, we are here to help and support you on your journey to better health.

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