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What are abnormalities in sperm?

Sperm abnormalities can be a sensitive topic for many people, but it is important to understand that they are quite common. Studies show that up to 15% of men have abnormal sperm counts or motility. But what causes these abnormalities? Some factors include genetics, lifestyle choices like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, and exposure to certain environmental toxins. While some sperm abnormalities may not affect fertility, others can make it more difficult for couples to conceive naturally.
Fortunately, there are many treatments available for those struggling with infertility due to sperm abnormalities. These range from lifestyle changes and supplements to more advanced medical interventions like in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). It is important for anyone experiencing abnormal sperm counts or motility to seek medical advice and explore their options for treatment. Staying informed about sperm abnormalities and taking steps to improve sperm health can make a significant difference in male fertility outcomes.

Abnormal Sperm

Abnormal sperm refers to a condition in which the shape, movement, or concentration of sperm cells are altered from what is considered normal. This can lead to fertility issues for couples trying to conceive as low-quality sperm may not be able to fertilize an egg. The symptoms of abnormalities in sperm vary depending on the type of abnormality present.
Common symptoms include low sperm counts, poor motility (movement), and changes in morphology (shape). In cases where structural abnormalities are present, the most common symptom is a reduced ability to fertilize an egg. Other symptoms can include frequent infections of the genital tract or testes and potential pain during ejaculation. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or have any questions about your sperm health, it is important to make an appointment with our urologist for testing and evaluation.

Common Causes of Abnormal Sperm

There are many potential causes for abnormal sperm including,
  • Infections
  • lifestyle factors
  • genetic
  • environmental influences
  • medication side effects
  • medical conditions
  • age
Each case must be evaluated by a doctor on an individual basis to determine the specific cause or causes of abnormality.

Types of Abnormalities in Sperm

There are several types of abnormalities in sperm that can impact fertility. These include:

Abnormal Sperm Counts – Having fewer than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen is considered an abnormally low sperm count, though higher counts are associated with better fertility. 

Poor Sperm Motility – Poor motility occurs when the sperm cannot move forward normally. 

Abnormal Morphology – The shape and size of sperm also play an important role in fertility, as at least 4 percent of sperm should have a normal morphology for them to carry out their job correctly. 

White Blood Cells in the Semen – Healthy semen should contain no white blood cells but instead consist mostly of seminal fluid and various enzymes and proteins that provide energy for the sperm in its journey toward fertilizing the egg. 

Anti-Sperm Antibodies – If a man’s body produces anti-sperm antibodies, these antibodies will attack any invading sperm molecules and thus prevent it from reaching an egg for fertilization. 

DNA Fragmentation – DNA fragmentation is caused by either oxidative stress or by genetic damage within individual sperms, causing significant issues with fertility in some cases if there are too many damaged sperms present.

When seeking treatment for abnormalities in sperm, Deepa Hospital should be your first call. With our dedicated team and cutting-edge technology, we are sure to deliver outstanding results when it comes to helping couples achieve their dream of having a family.

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