90 6933 6933

Emergency and Critical Care Unit in Chennai

Emergency and critical care refers to medical treatment provided to individuals experiencing life-threatening injuries or illnesses. This type of care is provided in an emergency room critical care unit and is designed to quickly stabilise patients and prevent further harm. Our experts are trained to handle a wide range of emergencies, from minor injuries to major traumas, and to provide prompt and effective treatment. The goal of emergency and critical care is to save lives, reduce the risk of complications, and ensure the best possible outcomes for patients. We are the first responders in life-threatening circumstances who strive to save lives efficiently.
At Deepa Hospital, we strive to provide patient-oriented quality care through the perfect balance of innovative technology and the core value of the human touch
Specialized operating rooms are available at our emergency and critical care centre for the treatment of open wounds and emergency surgeries. The facility is able to provide resuscitation and appropriate management for any serious injuries at any time because the critical care anaesthetist, plastic surgery specialist, and orthopaedic physician are always on call. Even in complex situations, our consultants are masters at making smarter decisions that will guide the team in the right direction. Through skilled resuscitation and quick damage control surgery, our team saves many lives during the “golden hour.”
The emergency care facilities are well equipped with cutting-edge technology to offer patients the greatest assistance and treatment. We deal with a wide range of crises, including fractured bones, respiratory problems, trauma, heart attacks, traumatic brain injuries, and even spontaneous abortion.

Conditions we treat:

Our team of expert emergency physicians and nursing staff is dedicated to providing the highest level of care in any situation. We employ evidence-based medicine and utilise cutting-edge technology with advanced life-saving and diagnostic equipment.
  • Heart attack 
  • Heart failure
  • Stroke
  • Third-degree burns
  • Severe head injury
  • Severe accident
  • Bone Fractures 
  • Respiratory Failure
  • Pneumonia
  • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
  • Pulmonary Embolism
  • Severe sepsis and septic shock
  • Multi-organ dysfunction
  • Tropical diseases

Treatments for emergency and critical care

There are several types of emergency and critical care treatments for illnesses and injuries at Deepa Hospital, including:

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR): This is a life-saving technique used to restore the normal rhythm of the heart and breathe into someone who has gone into cardiac arrest.

Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS): This is a set of protocols used by healthcare providers to treat severe cardiac and respiratory emergencies.

Basic Life Support (BLS): This is a set of emergency procedures used to provide initial care for someone who is unconscious or has stopped breathing.

Defibrillation: This is the use of an electrical shock to restore the normal rhythm of the heart in someone who has gone into cardiac arrest.

Oxygen therapy: This involves the administration of oxygen to a person who is experiencing respiratory distress or hypoxia.

Intubation: This is the insertion of a breathing tube into the windpipe to help a person breathe in emergency situations.

Emergency medication administration: This includes the use of medications such as adrenaline, anti-seizure drugs, and pain relief medications in emergency situations.

Wound care: This involves cleaning and treating cuts, lacerations, and other types of injuries to prevent infection and promote healing.

Trauma care: This includes emergency treatments for severe injuries, such as broken bones, head injuries, and internal injuries.

Stroke care: This involves emergency treatments for stroke, including administering medications, performing procedures to remove blood clots, and providing supportive care.

Deepa Hospital is a life-saver for patients in need of emergency and critical care. Their experienced doctors, qualified nurses, and specialised equipment provide best-in-class care that will make you feel safe and secure. We prioritise the safety and well-being of all our patients by providing the best quality care for emergency and critical care with experienced staff members.

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