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Arthroscopy Treatment in Chennai

Situated in Ayapakkam, Chennai, Deepa Hospital is famous for its medical services. We are dedicated to offering cutting-edge medical care at Deepa Hospital using the most up-to-date tools and technologies. To give patients the finest care possible, For offering high-quality healthcare at a reasonable cost, our hospital enjoys a solid reputation among Chennai residents. We take a patient-centric approach and prioritise the requirements of our patients by serving them with compassion and care.

What is Arthroscopy?

In order to examine, identify, and treat issues inside a joint, surgeons use an operation called an arthroscopy. You can return home the same day after the little surgery because it is performed as an outpatient procedure. If you have joint inflammation, an injury to a joint, or if a joint has gradually deteriorated over time, your doctor might advise it.
With arthroscopy, the doctor can view the inside of your joint without cutting a significant incision. With pencil-thin surgical devices inserted through additional tiny incisions, surgeons can even heal some types of joint injuries during arthroscopy.

Surgical procedures:

Below is the list of conditions that can be treated with arthroscopy:
  • Torn ligaments
  • Loose bone fragments
  • Scarring within joints
  • Inflamed joint linings
  • Damaged or torn cartilage

How is the procedure done?

  • The ideal setting for your treatment will be chosen for you. You might do this while lying on your side or back. A tourniquet may be used to reduce blood loss and improve visualisation inside the joint while the affected limb is in a positioning device.
  • Filling the joint with sterile fluid is another method to enhance the view within your joint. The vicinity of the joint enlarges as a result. 
  • The viewing device is accommodated by a single, tiny incision. The surgeon can insert surgical instruments to grab, cut, grind, and apply suction as necessary for joint repair through further small incisions at various locations around the joint.
  • Small enough incisions can be stitched up with one or two stitches or sealed with sterile adhesive tape in narrow strips.
  • Every joint is a candidate for arthroscopy. The knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle, hip, or wrist are the most common places for it to occur.
  • Your doctor will make numerous tiny slits in your joint during the surgery to introduce a device called an arthroscope to assess the extent of the injury. Through arthroscopy, they can also treat a wide range of wounds.


Arthroscopy is done for the treatment of various joint conditions. The most common areas to be treated are:
  • Ankle
  • Knee
  • Hip
  • Elbow
  • Shoulder
  • Wrist
When X-rays and other imaging tests have failed to provide conclusive answers to all of the diagnostic problems, doctors frequently resort to arthroscopy.
At Deepa Hospital, we aim to provide quality medical care at an affordable price. We believe everyone should have access to standard healthcare, so we keep our prices affordable and our quality high. We pride ourselves on having a record of serving patients with compassion and care.

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