90 6933 6933

Anaesthesia Service in Chennai

Deepa Hospital is a renowned medical facility in Chennai’s Ayapakkam neighbourhood. We are renowned for having a skilled and caring staff of medical specialists. The medical team at our hospital is made up of highly qualified and trained individuals who are committed to giving patients the best care possible.

What is anaesthesia?

Anaesthesia is a medical procedure that involves the use of anaesthetic medications. During medical treatments, these medications prevent you from feeling pain. Doctors that specialise in anaesthesia and pain control are known as anesthesiologists. Some types of anaesthesia only numb a small portion of the body. During invasive surgical operations, general anaesthesia renders you unconscious (asleep).
Different forms of anaesthesia operate in various ways. In order to induce sleep during more invasive surgical procedures, such as those within the head, chest, or belly, some anaesthetic drugs numb specific bodily areas, while other drugs numb the brain.

Different types of anaesthesia

The different types of anaesthesia we offer to our patients under our experienced anaesthesiologists guidance are as follows:

General anaesthesia: During this procedure, one becomes irresponsive to pain or other stimuli. Operations involving the head, chest, or abdomen, as well as more invasive surgical procedures, require the use of general anaesthesia.

Local anaesthesia: A portion of the body is made to feel numb by this procedure. The use of local anaesthesia may be employed during operations like skin biopsies, dental work, and cataract surgery.The procedure will be carried out when one is conscious.

Regional anaesthesia: It numbs a larger area of the body, such as a limb or anything below the chest, from discomfort. In addition to the local anaesthetic, you can choose to be sedated during the surgery or remain awake. A spinal anaesthesia for hip or knee surgery, an epidural to lessen childbirth or C-section pain, or an arm block for hand surgery are a few examples.

Sedation: You become more at ease during sedation, allowing for a more natural slumber, but you are still readily disturbed or aroused. If the individual doing your treatment has received expertise in providing moderate sedation, they can prescribe light sedation alone or in conjunction with a normal nurse. Cardiac catheterization and various colonoscopies are examples of procedures carried out under light or moderate sedation. Because the heavier anaesthetic drugs may impair your ability to breathe, an expert in anaesthesia will administer deep sedation. Deep sedation, on the other hand, will put you to sleep faster than light or moderate sedation. You won’t be completely unconscious, but you won’t be as likely to remember what happened.

Skilled anesthesiologists here at our hospital will examine the patient in person prior to the procedure. A plan for the procedure will be created by the anaesthesiologist, taking into account the specific requirements of the patient well in advance. In order to prevent the patient from feeling pain during surgery, the anaesthesiologist oversees the medication delivery.

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